Smooth Sailing

Editing and proofing - not the same

By Doug Wagner

“Doug missed fourteen errors. Is that normal?”

“That’s awesome. Your proofer only had to catch fourteen things? Sounds like Doug did most of her work for her.”

That exchange was between a Windword client and Toni Robino, my partner at Windword, who was managing the project. It reflects a common misperception about the role of an editor, a misperception that might be summed up this way: An editor fixes everything, right?

Almost. Editors fix what you hire them to fix.

top 3 reasons to summon a ghost

By Toni Robino

Ghostwriters are for people who can’t write or don’t want to write, right?

Not exactly. Much of our work is with experts who don’t have our level of writing ability, but we also work with many aspiring authors who are good writers and strive to be great. And we work with great writers who sometimes get stuck, lost or bogged down by all their interesting material.

As you meet the challenge of Write Nonfiction in November, there are three situations that a ghostwriter can help you to resolve immediately:
